BigData Analytics

We provides custom BigData solutions in conjunction with IoT and machine learning

BigData Analytics

Do you know that insights data can provide to your enterprise and industry? GleeTech specializes in BigData Analytics that give you the insights you need to increase efficiency and grow your business success. Unfortunately, collecting and breaking down the data into usable insights can be challenging.

Often, the data you collect is in different formats and databases (e.g. excel, SQL server, Oracle, etc). GleeTech provides BigData Analytics solutions for organizations by not only using their own data, but also incorporating relevant data from the Internet.

Allow GleeTech to do the necessary, but tedious task of migrating the data from multiple structured and unstructured data sources -- including, but not limited to, CRM’s, Excel files, and relational databases -- to form a data lake. From the data lake, we use visualization tools to generate reports that your company executives can use to make important decisions.

No tech solution is one-size- fits-all, which is why GleeTech works with you to find the custom solution that provides all of the information and analytics you need to maximize your business efficiency. For example, combining BigData solutions with IoT and machine learning delivers advanced analytics that position you ahead of the competition.